Sunday, 16 September 2012

Folio 10. More Web 2.0 Fun

Bitstripscomic is just about learning how to design comic strips with the extra effects. It's very fun and innovative as a web tool. You learn how to navigate through the features. It's quite hard to navigate through the features because of such restrictions.
Picmonkey is a photo/picture editing tool that is used to edit photos using their tools on-board. This web tool is very easy to use and self explanatory. I didn't learn much but it was a very fun time making the photo.

Loogix is a gif making web tool. It is easy to navigate and it's easy to create different effects. You don't learn much from it but it's definitely fun to play around with.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Folio 7 Wordle

Family Wordle

Ice Cream Flavours Wordle

Mario Wordle

Marvel vs Capcom Wordle

Wed 2.0 Wordle

Using Wordle, I learnt how to design different word clouds that look effective to the eye. Copying and pasting words have never looked better. Different categories will make the word cloud look weird but if they're in the same category it makes the word cloud look together and effective. 

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Folio 6 Big Huge Labs

 Making the mosaic was just using a range of selected images and putting it into the Big Huge Labs  web application and pressing the create button.
With the Jigsaw maker it was just uploading the image and then pressing the create button.

Both were fun and easy to navigate.